Category: Technology

  • Impact of Brexit on Tech Startups in Britain – An Analysis

    Impact of Brexit on Tech Startups in Britain – An Analysis

    Brexit is mainly a term used to state the Britain’s exit from the European Union. There were a lot of arguments regarding Britain’s exit from EU. In the meanwhile Britain had to wait for a longer period of time to achieve Brexit due a number of oppositions and arguments that UK had to face. Although […]

  • Insights on Apple’s Two new Projects in Hyderabad and Bangalore

    Insights on Apple’s Two new Projects in Hyderabad and Bangalore

    The tech community of the community is flooded with news since the arrival of Tim Cook in India. Cook and his initiative plan’s are making the Indian audience filled with enthusiasm and expectation. It has already been announced that a development center for digital maps is all set to be set up in Hyderabad and […]