Business always tends to operate in an uncertain environment. The happenings in and around the business environment and atmosphere could not be predicted in a particular way. Business failure or success largely depend on various factors like nature of business, the marketing zone, customer behavior and the individual who operates it. Well..!!! Sometimes a business meets public failure due to happening of any kind of misfortunes. And these misfortunes almost shatter an individual’s confidence to appear in public, making him isolated from the social life.

So, how can one successfully survive a business failure in public with sheer confidence…??? Public failure is a part of business person’s life. A news of the closure of a store or An outrage of a customer on social media pointing any kind of dissatisfaction or Any kind of allegations or An internal scandal is some kind of public business failure that jumps into the business without any notice.
This article presents you some tailored ways to come out with a winning message after facing business failure:
Emotions not to be hindered:
Being fair, genuine, loyal and trustworthy are some of the important factors that is essentially required to be embedded in a business. So when you face a misfortune or closure in your business, an individual should feel free to pour his emotions in front of public. Because reality and truth are two things that has an extraordinary power to melt the heart. Present your purest form of emotion as it would help you connect better with hearing audience. But then, make sure that your personal and business emotions are not mixed.
Strike Right Amount Of Humor:
When you are in conversation with the public, be it through any medium, make it a point not to be too serious. So if you desire to sway the minds of the public then you got to use the right kind and amount of humor in your conversation to make it appropriate and acceptable. An individual should make use of all the creativity and wittiness to deliver the joke in a proper place and in a proper context.
A wise balance between the misfortune in your business and the sense of humor is essentially important to win public business failure. Using humor tactfully proves to be meritious past public business failure.
Survey your business situation:
Analyzing and surveying the business situation is very important to know the reason for failure. One must have clarity regarding the happening in the business; only then the deviating points could be identified easily. Analyzing the failure would help you identify the reason for failure, detect the cause and would help you frame preventive or corrective measure to be in a safe zone when you try something new.
Above all it would help you answer a variety of questions raised by the individuals in public. So, in that case, acknowledging the business appropriately would help you furnish the requisite information in a correct manner.
Make Positive Messaging Your Weapon:
It is very certain that a business has to operate in tough conditions with all the unpredictable things around. So, in that case when your business is likely to face any kind of foreclosure or it is expected to come to an abrupt end, then it would be better if you make an effort to communicate with the public through any medium.
Communicating would definitely help you to a great extent, but then the success and failure of your message depend on what kind of stuff or message you bring out.
A firm message would help you spin and turn the conversation from an angle to a different angle.
Example: Adobe made a clear public statement that it would no longer develop, Fireworks in a precise and positive manner, “While we are not planning further feature development for Fireworks,… we will provide security updates as necessary and may provide bug fixes. We plan to update Fireworks to support the next major releases of both Mac OS X and Windows. As more specific details on the next version of Windows and Mac OS X are made available, we may adjust these plans”.

Should learn that business failure is not the end:
It is quite usual and natural that business misfortunes and abrupt end to affect an individual’s business routine. But then, it does not mean that one should lose stability post failure. Instead should stay more focused and determined to move ahead to a better future. A famous proverb says “Nothing is impossible” in the same failure is not the end after closure.
Similarly, accepting business failure is also a crucial element as it helps you face the difficulties casually with a broad mind.
Join Statement Brings Out Much Support:
Despite of your business shortcomings, you can bring your message in a good front if you participate in joint statements. Joint statements are considered to be one of the effective ways to draw or rally much support to your message.
Example: You can combine together two units if you want to deliver something which is very vital and essential as it would help you gain more support and power from the people around. Joint statements are quite influential and powerful with genuine supporters.
Thereby, when it comes to a business an individual certainly has to face risk and misfortune. But getting isolated is not an optimum solution to escape from failure. Instead, one must stay motivated and confident to try new things in the near future.
“Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”
– Coco Chanel.