Steve Jobs once said, “And the only way to do great work is to love what you do… If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.”
Now that you have spent 20-30 years of your life on this innocuous planet, you must have been looking for opportunities to change a certain thing about this planet. You need to be crazy enough to think that you can change the world because “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”.
The foremost thing you need to be in order to change the world is Crazy. You need to be crazy about your Internet Startup ideas, you need to go to bed with it and rise with it. Spend as much time as you can nourishing, improving and strengthening your Internet startup ideas and one day it will not only change your life but will also change the world for better.
Now that you are convinced about your idea, it is time for a reality check. It is time for you to place your Internet Startup Ideas in the public domain and see whether they have what it takes to survive or not.
Care for Value and not for the Uniqueness of your Internet Startup Ideas
One of the common mistakes entrepreneurs make while selecting from Internet Startup ideas is to look for uniqueness. No, you do not need a unique idea, you just need an idea that will make lives better. Remember, Apple was already in function when Microsoft came in picture and changed the world.
Apple catered to the classy crowd while Microsoft created a computer for everyone and Bill Gates ended up being the Richest Person on the Planet.
More than anything try to Solve a Problem
Microsoft is popular and is cheap but people still buy Apple, you know why because Apple is a problem solver. It solves your problem of virus attack; it kills the redundancy of your work and provides you with an elevated computing experience.
Your Internet Startup Ideas should solve a problem; replicating a successful idea is going to take you nowhere. You will acquire some thousand customers but that unprecedented growth will remain a dream for your company if you are copying an idea instead of creating one.
Spend time with creative people
“Why join the navy if you can be a pirate?” -Steve Jobs
Refrain from people who are naysayers, start spending time with positive people. Go out for dinner with people who believe in themselves more than anything and you will acquire their contagious confidence.
An engineer at HP created Mouse that we use with our computers but Steve Jobs was the one, who encouraged his engineer to go ahead and create something that is more efficient and useful, the engineer then created a mouse with a rolling ball. This rolling ball mouse allowed people to rotate their mouse pointer in any direction and went up to being one of the craziest inventions.
Find a Problem and Fix it
Count your experience as the biggest teacher. Study the experience you have had with the other enterprises and with the existing system. Find faults and then create Internet startup ideas to fix them. You need not to be a part of B2C; you can also create a B2B business and earn that million for yourself.
Break the Stereotype
You are an entrepreneur, you have decided to leave your job and do something for the world, so do not indulge yourself into another rat race. Do not follow the hot trends. Hundreds of enterprises are being created on same Internet startup ideas. Make sure your Internet Startup ideas are unique but do not forget to look for value in it. A unique idea without any value is a simple waste of effort and time.
“You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
― Steve Jobs
Your courage is going to change the world only if you are persistent with problems and consistent with efforts. Go beyond your potential and see the world change along with you.
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