This piece of article details about the art that is implied to position a company, with its best content in a field as a leader, which is popularly known as Thought leadership marketing. This helps the people associate with a your brand easily and makes them feel that your company is authoritative.
Well..!! With this article we bring in to you some right and wrong ways that is being used to write useful thought leadership content.
The foremost motive should be to know the area where things are going wrong, Therefore the below listed points focus on some of the wrongs:-
Insights with Audience:
Every thought leader has the capability in him to influence the potential followers. And when a company or agency is just a start up, they tend to trumpet themselves on a wider media. When it comes to the selection of media, the challenge begins there because a paid form of media tends to be expensive whereas earned form of media is rare. And if you go with free thought it’s like a microphone to reach the potential audience.
With all this stuff, you clash with the actual purpose of thought leadership, as your focus to help your reader to become a good entrepreneur diverts.
Self –indulgent:
You indulge with your company so much that you feel that your company is doing a lot. And mentioning the author’s venture in the middle of every discussion is not the right way. And also wrapping the audience perspective by citing how you hire executive and manage a remote team is also not appropriate.
Excessively proudy:
Readers do not get impress and relate to the author who mentions only his/ her proud wins. With this it would be difficult to build trust. Whereas mentioning about some of the mishaps and imperfection would be more helpful.
Not so impressive narration:
The agencies boast themselves as storytellers and not marketers. But the thought leaders at times fail to narrate an impressive story with good intent. The content should be a little practical and attractive.
Some of the right ways include:
For the sake of audience:
A good editorial content is created according to the readers and not the authors. The thought leaders need to analyze the trends for the readers. If you desire to speak about your company, then think as a reader what would you expect to hear or read ???
Think Analytically:
When you have millions of theories and insightful anecdotes available in this huge world make optimum use of it. Make an effort to share some of the case studies with your audience. Sound intelligent and fresh with your content to impress the audience.
More than sharing your win moments, share the learning moments which serves as the greatest anecdote to the readers. They would find you humble and honest and they get emotionally hooked to you. Let the reader feel that you are transparent. And make sure to answer their queries.
It would sound better and make the thought leadership effective with more real life lessons and human stories than the same formatted essays.