Category: Startup Funding & Investing

  • GreenCart Sell Out: What can we learn from it

    GreenCart Sell Out: What can we learn from it

      With the growing startup culture in the country, the people of the country have witnessed a pool of new services and products being made available to them. A lot of services and products have made it easier for the common man to make the most of their lives. Names like Flipkart, Grofers, Oyo Rooms […]

  • Recent Mergers, funding and Investments

    Recent Mergers, funding and Investments

    Mergers & Acquisitions can be defined as a type of reformation in that they result in something restructuring with the aim to provide growth or positive value. Here we will see fewer recent mergers, Investments and Funding across the big companies. Lions Gate Entertainment is in talks to merge with Starz. Movie and small screen […]

  • Indian Prime Minister Modi Insistent about Governance Reforms

    Indian Prime Minister Modi Insistent about Governance Reforms

     In what came as a blow for UPA in May, 2015 was a moment of cherish for NDA and the fellows of the country. Today the world looks up to India with respect. The global creed of Entrepreneurs and Investors are enthusiastic about investment in a country like India. With the increasing FDI and the […]

  • Global Mixer – Global series of monthly events by Scaale Sales

    Global Mixer – Global series of monthly events by Scaale Sales

    Scaale Sales are launching their global series of monthly events called GLOBAL MIXER, with the first event in India. These events are business networking events for growth companies and are going to be held across major entrepreneurial hubs in India, China, USA, UK and Spain, to help companies go international. Global Mixer is powered by […]

  • Mergers and Acquisitions which are taking place recently in September 2015

    Mergers and Acquisitions are the aspects of strategic management. Which deals with buying, selling, combining different companies into one, dividing and entities similar to this, which helps an enterprise to grow rapidly, in a new field or in a new location. Mergers and Acquisitions can be defined as a type of restructuring the organization. We […]

  • Investing in Startup Companies is the new hobby

    Investing in Startup Companies is the new hobby

    ‘Remember the Golden Rule. He who has the Gold makes the Rule’, people keep citing this quote again and again and it stands as tall as stand as the portfolio of any of the successful investor from around the world. In the contemporary world, starting a business is easier when compared to the time of […]

  • Startup India Rocks in Goa on 7th and 8th October, 2015 – India’s First Ever Global Startup Event

    Startup India Rocks in Goa on 7th and 8th October, 2015 – India’s First Ever Global Startup Event

    Scaale, a VC headquartered in four key markets of SF, London, Barcelona and Mumbai. Scaale works with 100+ clients around the world, with offices in 12 cities globally and a team of 300+ international professionals. Their mission is to strategically work with companies in becoming micromultinationals by leveraging on their global reach. Scaale’s Portfolio companies […]

  • PVC Startup Saturdays Expands to Bangalore, Next Startup Saturday on August 1st, 2015

    PVC Startup Saturdays Expands to Bangalore, Next Startup Saturday on August 1st, 2015

    PVC Startup Saturdays has expanded to include Bangalore. It means that the PVC Startup Saturday in Gurgaon will be video linked to PVC Startup Saturday in Bangalore so that startups and venture capitalists who are in Bangalore do not have to travel to Gurgaon to participate in Startup Saturday. PVC Startup Saturday Bangalore location is: […]

  • VCs go all in for private tech companies

    Technology is the only industry which covers all market segments worldwide. It offers a large array of opportunities for institutional as well as private investors. Technology companies are characterized by innovation and driven by competition. This results in shorter cycles and faster growth, which is exactly what investors are looking for. In order to avoid […]

  • AngelList Funding, US based, debuts as investors in Indian startups

    AngelList Funding, US based, debuts as investors in Indian startups

    Good news in Indian startups funding ushers in when a US based website offers to raise funds for the startups. AngelList is the firm that is looking to invest from accredited investors and raise funds for the startups in India. Funding, in the early stage, is high in demand, nowadays, for the Indian startups, presently. […]